10 Healthy Eating Habits

In a nutshell, a healthy diet involves:

  1. Eat more home-cooked food, less eating out.
  2. Use fresh fruit as snacks.
  3. Include with fresh vegetables with meals and they can also double as snacks.
  4. Add beans as sides or in stews.
  5. Substitute dense chewy bread – preferably wheat bread for less refined white breads and bread snacks.
  6. Plan to eat more fish, skinless chicken/turkey, less red meat.
  7. Eat smaller servings of red meat, larger servings of vegetables.
  8. Select low fat dairy foods.
  9. Avoid excessive and empty calories. Use less fat in the form of butter, mayo, and sour cream.
  10. Stock up with healthy snack foods to keep hunger at bay. If you fill up with healthy nutritious calories, you won’t want the junk foods that hunger makes you eat.

As far as weight management goes, hunger remains Public Enemy Number One. Take a look at your eating patterns. You may be surprised to see that you have established unhealthy eating habits over the years. There is a high probability that food has become a bit too high of a priority. Make an effort to keep your perspective about eating balanced and healthy. Your quality of life will be better and longer because of it.